nedelja, 3. maj 2020

Is Creatine Helpful for Weight Loss?

Creatine. You've all heard the word before. But not many know what it actually is. Creatine is made up of three amino acids (amino acids are the building blocks of protein). These three amino acids are glycine, arginine, and methionine. Many use creatine as a supplement to build muscle, in the form of powder, pills, and even in a liquid form which is dispensed by an "eyedropper."

Ok, so how does creatine help in losing weight? Don't worry, I'm going to get to that, but first you must understand how it actually works. Well, how creatine works is this: When you take the creatine supplement, creatine saturates your muscle cells. This creatine that is now in your muscles, attracts water in your body, causing your muscle cells to fill up with water. In order for your muscle cells to accommodate this new amount of water within them, they have no choice but to expand. This translates to larger, stronger muscles.

But I'm a woman, I don't want big, bulky muscles! Don't worry, the only way that is going to happen is if you are taking in more than enough calories, lifting heavy to gain muscle, and taking the same amount a bodybuilder would take. Plenty of women take creatine, and are not bulky at all, rather they are toned; the way most women prefer to look.

Any who, getting back to the point, the muscles will be larger than before. Now, since bigger muscles require more calories to maintain their new size (remember, this doesn't mean huge, just larger than before), your muscles will have no choice but to rob your fat stores for the necessary calories to maintain their size. This is how creatine will help with weight loss.
Also, if you are on a diet, one of the hardest things to do is to keep your current size/definition, (ladies, remember, don't be nervous by the word size). Another reason to take creatine while dieting. Creatine will help you keep your current size, while burning fat only, rather than fat and muscle for energy to fuel your workouts.
What kind of creatine should I take? Since there are so many different types on the market, I will elaborate to help you narrow down your choices.

Creatine Monohydrate
Most commonly sold in a white powder form, very chalky in taste and texture, creatine monohydrate is the first and oldest type of creatine invented. Creatine monohydrate is generally used by people seeking gains in muscle mass (ladies, believe me, this is not the type of creatine you are looking for). The problem with creatine monohydrate is that it is known for gassy stomach problems as well as bloating. So although your muscle may get larger, it will be very difficult for you to get definition with that size, if you are like most people. Also, with creatine monohydrate, you have to go through what is known as a "loading phase," in which you must take around 4 scoops (roughly 20 grams) of it per day for your first four days on the product. After, you can take only 2 scoops or roughly 10 grams for a period of 6 weeks or so, then you must load up again and so on and so forth. This process is known as "cycling" a supplement.

Creatine ethyl ester
A newer form of creatine, creatine ethyl ester is sold in pill form (a popular brand known as "CE2"), as well as in powder form (another popular brand known as "Cell Mass"). The rage about creatine ethyl ester is that it provides all the benefits of creatine, without having to go through a loading phase, no bloating, and no stomach problems. Depending on your genetics, diet, and workout program, the effects of creatine in general will have different effects for each user.

Creatine alphaketoglutarate (Creatine AKG)
This particular creatine supplement is one that has worked the best for me personally. Creatine AKG is your traditional creatine supplement, however, it has what is called AKG attached to it. AKG is almost like a car that drives the creatine straight into your muscles, to saturate them as much as possible. This means you will be getting the most out of your creatine supplement. Also, Creatine AKG boasts zero bloating and zero stomach problems just like the creatine ethyl ester. A popular brand of Creatine AKG is known as "Anavol."

Well, I hope this article helped you make the decision to start supplementing with creatine for weight loss, and ladies, I hope after reading this, you realize that creatine is recommended for you too. Remember, for the guys, you will usually be taking the full-recommended dosage of creatine, lifting heavy, and eating big if you are seeking muscle mass. Ladies, you obviously are not going to take the full-recommended dosage, eat big, or lift heavy, unless you are a bodybuilder of course.

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