torek, 14. januar 2020

7 Easy Ways to Go from Belly Fat to Belly Flat

It must have been written in the 'Manly Man's Manual to Manliness' that having a flat stomach was an essential when it referred to 'The Perfect Man'. Well if this has always evaded you, then you may well be doing a few things that stop you from ever getting there. Here are 7 easy steps that will help you deflate that spare tire around your mid-section and transform you into the beach-ready-body you've always wanted.

Step 1 Eat Light At Night

Change the habit of eating a big meal at night into a eating a light meal that is easy to digest. Changing this could be one of the most influential things you do to help you lose your big belly. Eating a big meal before you go to bed bogs down your digestive system, so instead of your body resting when it is sleeping, it works overtime trying to breakdown and digest food. A steak can take 12 to 16 hours to pass through your digestive system... hmmmm and you wonder why you wake up tired in the morning. Eat light at night and you'll bounce out of bed in the mornings with a lot more energy. Plus, when you are sleeping your body will breakdown a lot of dormant fatty tissue and help expel toxicity within your system.

Step 2 Cut Out The White Stuff

Reduce or if you can't eliminate white bread, pasta and rice. I know these are staple foods in most countries especially rice. But from a nutritional standpoint they really give your body zero nourishment. Try my 30-Day challenge of halving, or if you can, stop eating these foods completely for a period of 30 days and you'll be amazed at the results.

Step 3 Replace Cooked Food With Raw Food

Cooking depletes and kills the living enzymes in food. Food that is cooked or processed is devoid of life. We are a living organism and our bodies work so much better and more efficiently when we give it food that is raw, natural and uncooked. When we eat food that is raw and alive, it transfers its energy into us. Living Foods give our living body more energy, more nourishment and more LIFE.

Step 4 Think Before You Drink

Cut down your on intake of sugar-laden drinks, switch to something less loaded with calories, or even consider giving them up for a while, if not completely.

Due to the amount of brainwashing we receive through advertising, when we need to quench our thirst our minds automatically think of reaching for a soft drink or soda. These beverages are laden with so much sugar that they give you a sugar high. When you are sugar high your body will prioritize to breakdown and use this quick burning fuel, instead of burning Fat. The sugar that is not used up for fuel is converted to fat and stored in your body. Now, just because it says, 'Diet Soda' or 'Soda Light', it means healthy. Don't fall for it! A lot of these companies try to give you the illusion that you'll lose weight by drinking their beverage. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know a lady who put on over fifty pounds in one-and-a-half years from drinking 2 liters of a diet cola or cola lite every day.

Also lay off the beer, they don't call it a beer belly for nothing. Choose your beverage wisely. If you're thirsty, choose water or an even healthier alternative - freshly extracted juice from a juice machine. It tastes good, it quenches your thirst and it's extremely nourishing.

Tip: If you're a coffee drinker change to green tea for a month and see the difference.

Step 5 Lower Your Fat Intake

An average person's diet contains food with a tremendous amount of fat in it. Bad Fat! The worst culprit is from a really fat animal... the PIG. The famous 'Lechon' has got to be the most popular and favorite of all dishes here in the Philippines. But if you eat it regularly, you will unfortunately soon start resembling one. Eating this fat, makes you fat, plus combine it with a sweet tooth and you have a recipe for not just a big belly, but also heart disease, diabetes and even more degenerative diseases. I know this can be a tough one, especially at fiestas and celebrations, but believe me, if you want lose the belly, then this is one fat you should do without. Oink Oink!!!

Step 6 Get Moving!

You may think sit ups are the key to losing your belly fat, however you could be wrong. Sit ups will strengthen your abdominal muscles but will not reduce belly fat alone. The key to getting rid of your fat is to burn more calories than you take in. Combining all of the above tips, together with cardio training and core strengthening exercises does exactly that.

If you want to get rid of your belly then you've got to get the heart rate up with some form of aerobics exercise. Get moving! Get up off that sofa and go for a walk, a run, take a swim, a bike ride, or shoot some hoops. Find something you like to do, do it and keep doing it.

Now, if you want that firm toned midsection, then you must exercise and strengthen all your core muscles, not just your abs. Abdominal exercises are great, but it is also important to exercise your biggest muscles in your body your legs and back, this also helps to burn more calories than exercising just your abs. It also helps improve your posture helping you to naturally keep your stomach in.

Try and exercise a minimum of 20 minutes 3 times a week.

Step 7 Write It Down

Now that I've revealed to you the first 6 steps to achieving a flat belly, this last step is probably one of the most important as it will help drive you to the road to success and get you through those hard, tempting times when you may want to give up. Everything starts with a dream. Write down your goal and a time frame of when of you want to achieve it by. Commit. Visualize and Believe.

In addition, it is important to track your success. Always mark down your weight and measurements before, during and after you finish your desired goal and time frame. Taking note of this throughout the program will help motivate and energize you along the way.

And remember, along the way if you do get off track, don't be too hard on yourself. Just make sure you get back in control, and back on the track. You can do it! See you at the beach;-)

Author's Bio: 
Brendan McCarthy is a health, fitness and nutrition expert and enthusiast and the author of the Jump Start 7 Day Weight Loss Program. This revolutionary program gives you a step-by-step plan to help you lose weight, cleanse your body, look terrific and boost your energy levels; All through the natural goodness of juicing in just seven short days. Unlock the secrets to successful weight loss and healthy living. Indulge your senses on a delicious journey of great tasting, all natural juice cocktails especially formulated to help you naturally lose weight and feel great fast

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