torek, 24. december 2019

Why Keto Squirts happens | ketogenic diet

The keto diet can be a pain in the butt. Literally! If you’ve been on the keto diet—even for only a few days—you probably know about the loose, watery stools that are a side effect of the keto diet. Known as “keto squirts,” these disturbing offshoots of the keto can occur when you least expect, often almost spontaneously and uncontrollable. It isn’t uncommon for a first-time keto eater to accidentally pass gas, only to learn that (a little or a lot of) loose, watery stool has escaped at the same time. Yes, this is absolutely horrifying. And completely common—and normal.

It happens for a combination of reasons. The first is a dramatic change in gut flora that occurs when you change your diet. You’ve probably tried diets in the past and noticed a change in your elimination habits. This has to do with your gut flora growing accustom to new ingredients (and new amounts of ingredients).

For other people, relying heavily on fatty dairy products—an easy, convenient source of fat—is the issue. Dairy products contain both lactose and casein, which is hard for the body to digest, and often leads to runny stool.

There is also the issue of fat—any kind of fat—in general. Fat is challenging for the body to break down. If the fat you eat isn’t metabolized, it passes undigested into the large intestine. The body, wanting to get rid of it, pulls water into the large intestine to help expel the undigested fat. The result is watery stool.

If you are experiencing diarrhea and liquid-stool, play around with the diet. Try different types of fats, be sure to include keto-compliant veggies with each meal, and stay hydrated.  

What can help prevent, reduce, and eliminate the keto squirts:

1. Time. The body often reacts to large dietary changes with some type of digestive upset, from constipation to diarrhea. It takes two or three weeks for your body to begin adjusting to a new way of eating. If, after this time, you are still experiencing liquidy stool, please contact your physician.

2. Avoid artificial sweeteners.To avoid consuming excess grams of carbohydrates, many people replace natural sweeteners (which are loaded with carbs with artificial sweeteners. However, many artificial sweeteners are hard for the body to digest, so they end up being passed—undigested—directly into the large intestine, where they disrupt your gut flora and wreck havoc on your bowel movements. Your healthiest option is to get used to eating foods without sweeteners. That way, you can avoid all sweeteners, natural and artificial.

3. Fiber helps bulks things up (stool, included), so you are less likely to accidentally pass liquidy feces (sorry—I know how gross that sounds!). Unfortunately, many types of fiber are carb-heavy, making them a no-no for keto eaters. One great option (that is even used to replace wheat flour in keto recipes) is psyllium husk powder. A great source of soluble fiber, psyllium husk powder has been shown to do everything from lower blood cholesterol levels to help prevent colorectal cancer. You can purchase psyllium husk powder in bulk at natural food stores and vitamin shops. To use, stir a teaspoon or two into a large glass of water (or, shake psyllium husk powder and water together in a mason jar) and drink very quickly (before the liquid turns gloppy. A pinch of ginger powder makes things so much more palatable.

4. Water. It may seem counter-intuitive to drink large amounts of water when you are passing watery stool, but maintaining your body’s water levels will ensure that you do not become dehydrated. Continue to drink a litter or two a day, carrying a water bottle with you if you need a reminder to stay hydrated.

5. Electrolytes. Any time you lose large amounts of liquid (regardless of how), you risk becoming dehydrated and throwing off your body’s electrolyte balance. Keep your electrolytes in check by adding a pinch of mineral-rich Himalayan pink salt to a large glass of water.

6. See your doctor. If, after two or three weeks, you are still experiencing runny stool, talk to your doctor, or take a break from the keto diet. Prolonged loss of liquid can lead to nutrient deficiencies and electrolyte imbalance.

Visit the Website: and you’ll find every single bit of information and support you need to begin your keto journey.

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